Vancouver DataJam 2022
DataFest - Intro to R!
DataFest - Intro to R!
Workshop info When: October 1st, 9am (PST, Vancouver, BC) Where: Northeastern University Requirements: Participants must have a laptop or desktop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system. (Tablets and Chromebooks are not advised.) Please have the latest version of R and RStudio downloaded and running (free!). Code of conduct: Everyone participating in the Vancouver DataJam activities are required to conform to the Code of Conduct These materials have been taken from the Software Carpentry: R Novice Lesson.
Workshop info When: October 1st, 9am (PST, Vancouver, BC) Where: Northeastern University Requirements: Participants must have a laptop or desktop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system. (Tablets and Chromebooks are not advised.) Please have the latest version of R and RStudio downloaded and running (free!). Code of conduct: Everyone participating in the Vancouver DataJam activities are required to conform to the Code of Conduct These materials have been adapted from the Software Carpentry: R Novice Lesson.
Workshop info When: October 1st, 9:00am (PST, Vancouver, BC) Where: Northeastern University Requirements: Participants must have a laptop or desktop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system. (Tablets and Chromebooks are not advised.) Please have the latest version of R and RStudio downloaded and running (free!). Code of conduct: Everyone participating in the Vancouver DataJam activities are required to conform to the Code of Conduct What are R and RStudio?